One Punch Man
100x Suburi Challenge
10 Day Aikido Challenge

How an Anime character can be your secret weapon in getting in Aikido shape
One Punch Man (ワンパンマン) is a Japanese anime comic book character created in 2009.
But if you’re thinking of the cute anime characters with huge eyes and a wistful gaze, this ain’t that.
No, this is One Punch Man.
His story: he’s so strong that he can defeat any opponent with one punch.
But how did he become One Punch Man? His quest for becoming the best superhero of all time started out with his “special 100×100 workout.” So simple. So effective.
Just do 100 squats, 100 push ups, and 100 sit ups. And go for a 10K run. Every single day.
Saitama only had one rule: don’t skip breakfast, even if you were just eating a banana.
But the most important thing: he never used the A/C in summer or the heat in the winter. This helped strengthen his mind as he strengthened his body.
As we leap into the new year, why not turbocharge our Aikido mojo with some superhero flair? Enter the Kiryu Virtual Dojo’s One Punch Man (100x) Suburi Challenge, where every skill level can transform ordinary into extraordinary! Get ready to channel your inner Saitama – minus the baldness (we hope)! It’s not just about packing a punch; it’s about striking a balance between laughter and prowess.
So, suit up (cape optional), power up your ‘serious series’ focus, and let’s make every move count. After all, in our virtual dojo, every day is an episode worth watching!
Embrace the 100x Suburi Challenge and kickstart a journey of growth, momentum, and self-discipline. As you accept this challenge, you’re not just committing to a physical endeavor; you’re also pledging to a path of self-accountability.
Join the Kiryu Virtual Dojo One Punch Man Challenge!

Sign up here to register

It’s Free!
Upon the culmination of this challenge, you’ll have the opportunity to log your progress and officially mark your completion through a dedicated form. Celebrate your achievement: all participants who complete the challenge will be honored on our Completion Board, showcasing your dedication in each challenge cycle (feb 11-29, 2024, Qtr1).
Join us now and become part of a community committed to pushing boundaries and celebrating each step of the journey.
New Challenge Coming Soon! Be sure to be on our FB Page (Here)
Let's rise to the challenge together
Suburi (素振り):
10 Day Challenge
Daily Suburi Variation Ideas:
- Suburito Training (video below)
- 3 Basic Ken Suburi (Men-Uchi, Yokomen-Uchi, Tsuki)
- 7 Iwama Ken Suburi
- 20 Iwama Jo Suburi
- 20 Iwama Jo Suburi Family Focus (Tsuki, Menuchikomi, Katate, Hasso, Nagare)
- Basic Jo Parrys (video below)
- Ken and Jo Katas
- Your Own Style’s Techniques