๐Ÿ‰ Happy New Year 2024

๐Ÿ‰ Happy New Year 2024!

As we closed out the year with our Keiko Osame and welcomed the new year, we embraced the practice of Misogi, letting go of the unnecessary and opening ourselves to humility, receptivity, and the exciting possibilities that 2024 holds.

This year, the Year of the Dragon in the Chinese zodiac, is marked as the most auspicious and potent. It beckons us to ponder how we can integrate the Dragon’s wisdom into our Aikido practice and personal growth. This could mean setting ambitious goals, embracing boldness, or applying creativity and innovative approaches in our training and life ambitions.

In Aikido, let’s weave the Dragon’s attributes into our journey, both for students and instructors:

๐Ÿ‰ Embrace Boldness and Commitment in Training
๐Ÿ‰ Foster Innovation in Techniques and Teaching
๐Ÿ‰ Cultivate Leadership and Personal Development
๐Ÿ‰ Build Resilience and Strength in Practice
๐Ÿ‰ Engage Actively with Our Dojo and Community
๐Ÿ‰ Strive for Balance, in Life and on the Mat

Every year brings new experiences, adventures, and discoveries. 2024 will mark my 39th year in Aikido. I vividly recall my first day, when my sensei handed me a packet filled with worn articles and faded pictures. Although some images were barely visible, it was a treasure trove to me, holding what I believed were the secrets of Aikido.

That packet, now dog-eared and faded, remains a cherished possession. Its contents laid the foundation for my Aikido journey, slowly revealing the art’s mysteries.

Reflecting on my years of Aikido, I realize that it’s not about where we start or end. It’s about the journeyโ€”the experiences, lessons, and growth along the way. Each year, we evolve together in Aikido, a truly joyful experience.

Happy New Year! I eagerly anticipate training with you in 2024. Let’s embrace the adventures that await us.

Andrew Blevins, Kiryu Aikido

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